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Friday, January 3, 2014

New! A Progressive Purchase: Spanish Daily Writing Journal for Elementary Age

Hey, Spanish teachers and homeschoolers!

By teacher request, I have created a set of elementary level, winter-themed Spanish daily writing journal pages for January.

While a writing journal is fun enough on its own (heehee!), I thought I'd try something even more fun to kick off this product: make it a Progressive Product!

What is a "progressive product"? A super fun deal, that's what!!! Or, more specifically, it is a product that you can purchase at a now at a base rate, then download FREE additions each month as they are released.

Here's how that works: once you purchase a file through Teachers Pay Teachers, you are able to access all its future updates through your "My Purchases" page. So purchase now, then at the end of each month, head to your "My Purchases" page and re-download the file to access the addition for the following month. For FREE! But with each addition comes a $1 increase in price to new buyers, so the best deal comes to those who buy early!

Thanks, teachers, for your continued suggestions and ideas for products! It is always an honor and a pleasure to work with those who shape the future of our children. ¡Mil gracias!

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